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Fall 2018 Soccer Clinic Kicks-Off

Candice Mark

Saturday, September 8, kicked off T.O.P Soccer’s flagship Soccer Clinic program. This marked the twelfth iteration at Shoelace Park.

From children to parents, volunteers to coaches, participants to on-lookers, the excitement was both seen and felt by all. In fact, it was contagious, as several passers-by paused in the middle of their strolls, walks or runs to watch gleeful kids and adults practice some soccer without any inhibitions.

The park was witness to a community buoyed by camaraderie The bonding of people from different financial and cultural backgrounds highlighted integration without borders or boundaries. The attraction of the Soccer Clinic was evidenced by flocks of people, friends and strangers alike, gathering around the registration table to find out what was going on and how to sign-up.

That, of course, was not the only attraction – participants were given their own free pair of socks, shorts, a soccer jersey and a hoodie, along with granola bars and bottled water. $30 definitely is a small price to pay for all ten sessions plus the goodies, which proves that the organization is not as concerned with producing profits as it is with providing a safe space where people, especially children, can grow through training, optimism and persistence.

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